Community News Day of Caring: Waste Or Worth It? <p><img style="float: left;" title="image001.png" src="" alt="image001.png" width="150" height="94" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />Day of Caring is a community institution—but is it worth all the work it takes? When you take a step back, there is no doubt what the answer is. </p> May 10, 2015 10:31:49 AM Stepping Up for Urban Native Americans <p><img style="float: left;" title="image001.png" src="" alt="image001.png" width="150" height="94" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />High need, declining resources—an issue hitting the Urban Native American community hard. So we’re approaching this group in a new way.  Our dilemma: We could no longer be passive about the declining resources to address the needs in the local American Indian/Native Alaskan (Urban Natives) communities. Urban Native populations are disproportionately represented in many negative indicators of health and well-being.  </p> <p>On June 25, more than 100 people gathered at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center in Seattle to discuss the report and focused on these questions: What are some practical next steps we can take to address this priority? What resources and opportunities are available? What am I willing to commit to do to make this happen?</p> May 10, 2015 10:49:02 AM Pre-K, Parent-Child Home Program: Better Together <p><img style="float: left;" title="image001.png" src="" alt="image001.png" width="150" height="94" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" /></p> <p> Expanded pre-K is the talk of the town for getting kids ready to succeed. Meet pre-K’s best friend, the Parent-Child Home Program.  United Way wants every child to have an equal chance to succeed, and that’s why we back work to make vulnerable families stronger.</p> <p>Take a look at the Parent-Child Home Program resources page to learn how your organization can get on board.</p> May 10, 2015 10:54:27 AM What Does Record-Breaking Really Look Like? <p><img style="float: left;" title="image002.png" src="" alt="image002.png" width="150" height="99" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />Does a big year of United Way fundraising mean more money for your agency? Get a feel for how the dollars-in-dollars-out really works.</p> <p>These days, many donors want to invest their money in a particular issue, rather than give an unrestricted gift. Donors want to be even more clear about the results their gift is buying and the impact on the community or population they want to help. This is great news for efforts like our <a href="">Parent-Child Home Program</a>. But it also means that the general operating support we provide for many agencies is harder to come by.</p> May 10, 2015 10:59:11 AM Say What? A Toast To Campaign Season? <p><img style="float: left;" title="image001.png" src="" alt="image001.png" width="150" height="94" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />The Sparkies are about raising a glass and rubbing elbows with others who are tops in our community. Get fired up by a few sparkling campaigns—and see who's rockin' the 3-D glasses.</p> <p>At the Sparkies on March 12, five award winners will rise to the top from dozens nominated for their generous and innovative work in the community. We'll toast to great campaigns, volunteering and being generally awesome.</p> <p>A huge thank-you to these great companies and the many others who are igniting change in our community. We want to celebrate all of this great work, so <a href="">RSVP today for the Sparkies</a>. This party’s for you!</p> May 10, 2015 11:15:52 AM 15 Weeks of Good <p><img style="float: left;" title="image001.png" src="" alt="image001.png" width="150" height="94" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />The Loaned Executive Program is a chance for up-and-comers at your company to develop unique skills while helping people in need.</p> <p>“The exciting part about being a loaned executive was seeing that my employer wanted to invest in me as an employee, help me further my career, and give me the chance to gain new skills. The tasks and goals were so different from what I work on, but the experience and everything I learned can be applied in so many ways at work.” <br /> —Annette Mockli, Erie County Library System</p> May 10, 2015 11:18:54 AM Take Action Today <p><img style="float: left;" title="image002.png" src="" alt="image002.png" width="150" height="225" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />This week is “fiscal cut-off” in the Washington State Legislature, where bills that have been passed out of policy committees will either be passed out of fiscal committees and on to a rules committee on their path to full House and Senate consideration, or will languish and die in the fiscal committees.</p> <p>It takes less than 2 minutes to comment on the bills. Enter your address then click the “Verify” button; then enter your name and contact info and click “Support”. Lastly, you can enter a comment - feel free to use your own language or cut-and-paste ours from above.</p> May 10, 2015 11:23:53 AM How Can You Become Involved? <p><img style="float: left;" title="image002.png" src="" alt="image002.png" width="150" height="150" align="left" hspace="11" vspace="6" />The Volunteer Reader Program has been bringing volunteers into preschools for the past 7 years.  You be involved with our program!</p> May 10, 2015 11:32:34 AM Strategic Employment Seminar <p> Sign up today to begin your career.</p> February 09, 2014 03:31:14 PM Host Families for Exchange Students <p>Host Families Needed for Exchange Students</p> February 09, 2014 03:27:23 PM United Way Featured on CBS <p> United Way and Brian Gallagher, President of United Way Worldwide will be featured on "CBS Sunday Morning," on February 7 - Super Bowl Sunday</p> February 09, 2014 03:12:30 PM Stair Climb Success! <p>Education is the most important engine of economic growth and individual financial gain.  building a strong economy and lifting incomes will depend on improving results in education.  To achieve these results, we work with leaders at all levels of the education, nonprofit, civic, and philanthropic sectors to ensure that kids are succeeding every step of the way, from cradle to career.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> February 09, 2014 01:20:52 PM Live United Kids January 15, 2014 03:05:13 PM Volunteering January 15, 2014 01:58:17 PM It's an Extravaganza! January 15, 2014 01:57:06 PM Homeless December 15, 2013 10:05:00 AM Education Program Works December 15, 2013 10:37:27 AM