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Day of Caring

Read about the 16th Annual Day of Caring held on Friday, September 1, 2011. Day of Caring agencies express gratitude to area volunteers in the GREATER KALAMAZOO AREA. October 19 -- With the help of 1,200 volunteers who endured heavy rain, this year's United Way Day of Caring was a tremendous success. 

But that assessment wasn’t just from United Way organizers. More than 50 agencies and organizations from across the region wrote to the United Way following the Sept. 11 event to extend their thanks and appreciation. The Day of Caring is an initiative to help charitable agencies who are in need of assistance with maintenance, office work, painting and many other projects.  The event pairs employee volunteers with agency service providers to accomplish a variety of projects that improve the community.

The scope of community impact from the Day of Caring extends well beyond just one day of volunteer support, said Robin Maiville, the GKUW Day of Caring program coordinator. Maiville said she was overwhelmed with the feedback and expressions of gratitude she received from community organizations.  "It's heartwarming to see the appreciation extended to the volunteers who worked hard that day," said Maiville.  "We hope this rewarding experience extends to other volunteer opportunities in the community throughout the year."

Here, in their own words, were the comments sent to the GKUW along with photos shared with the GKUW from various agencies.  In addition, a complete list of businesses that provided volunteers for the Day of Caring and key sponsors is provided on this page as well and can be immediately accessed by clicking here. "Thank you to everyone – our sponsors, participating businesses, and volunteers – who made the 2011 Day of Caring a huge success," said Maiville.