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Family Counselling Center

Result: (1-1 of 2)

Opportunity:Adult Day Care Activites Volunteer

Date: -

Agency:Family Counselling Center

You have come to the right place! CareTree Adult Day Services is looking for volunteers to assist participants with activities such as: reading, music, playing table games, drawing, brain-teaser games, and various types of discussions.

Volunteers with specific interests may choose to assist or lead with regularly scheduled groups such as: crafts, woodworking, knitting, music, gardening/horticulture and cultural events.

Persons who enjoy working with older adults. There are no specific training requirements and no limitations on who may volunteer for this opportunity

Opportunity:Front Office Volunteer Opportunity

Date: -

Agency:Family Counselling Center

The volunteer work will consist of responding to walk-in clients. Some tasks will be made available to work on between phone calls, such as assembly of handouts, or other such projects.