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We are pleased to bring you the latest news and information about the work that United Way is doing in the community.

The United Way strives to impact significant change in the community, focusing on Health, Education and Income. Please read about our successes.

February 09, 2014

In this issue:

  1. Strategic Employment Seminar
  2. Host Families for Exchange Students
  3. United Way Featured on CBS
  4. Stair Climb Success!

Strategic Employment Seminar

Unemployed - Job Training

Are you, or is someone you know, UNEMPLOYED?

If so, please join us:

A "come as you are place" to polish resumes', learn about volunteer opportunities, networking ideas, economic survival strategies, share fears over depleted savings, and more. Members will help each other hunt down fresh job opportunities and cushion the blow of rejection letters. Anyone who is experiencing job loss is welcome.

What: J. O. B. Network Muskegon

When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month 3-4:30 pm

Where: CIO Hall, 490 W. Western Ave. (next to Walker Arena)

Host Families for Exchange Students

Host Families for Exchange Students

Host Families Needed for Exchange Students

The Muskegon Rotary club is looking for host families for exchange students for this school year and the 2010-11 school year. A host family in the Reeths-Puffer school district is needed for this school year.

Students come with their own spending money; host families provide a room, food and treat the student as a member of the family. If you'd like to open your home and enrich lives - the student's and your family's - contact Christine Robere, 722-3134, or email her at

United Way Featured on CBS

CBS  Logo

UNITED WAY to be featured this Sunday on CBS!

United Way and Brian Gallagher, President of United Way Worldwide will be featured on "CBS Sunday Morning," on February 7 - Super Bowl Sunday

(check your local listings for the time it will air in your area).


The CBS Sunday Morning segment is inspired by a new book to be published this month titled "The Power of Half." It's about a family in Atlanta which, spurred by the daughter's desire to help others, decided to sell their house and donate half the proceeds to charity, then move into a much smaller house. During the process, the family grappled with how much they should give, to whom, and what was most effective way to give. They discovered that not only did they help others, but that their family drew closer, and it gave the children a new sense of purpose and direction.

Stair Climb Success!

image001.pngOur Student and Community Stair Climbs on November 6 was an incredible success and exceeded goals in participation and funds raised. Over $29,000 was raised by our local high school students and over $7,000 was raised by local community members. Thanks for the climb, a great time, and for building a stronger community!

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